I have over 30 years of Software Development on a number of different platforms including Windows Desktop, Web development and IBM iSeries (AS/400). For the last 18 years I have concentrated on the .Net platform developing desktop applications and more recently for the last 11 years Web Applications using the Microsoft Asp.Net MVC framework and Web API 2.0. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and tools I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online curriculum vitae.
Julian is outgoing, not just in the sense that he engages with people, but in the sense that he is always looking to pitch in and and offer his solutions to problems facing the group.
That's not to say that Julian seeks to hide within a group. On the contrary: he has been solely responsible for long running and complex projects which he has also created structured tests for and exhaustive and easy to understand documentation. In addition, he has made himself available to offer intense training and made everything as easy to understand and maintain as he possibly can. He also shares his knowledge and learning with the group, freely exchanging his ideas.
Julian offers a belt and braces approach that is the antithesis of unintelligible code that leaves you reliant on the developer for eternity. You can be confident in knowing exactly what Julian is doing and him meeting your expectations and having a result you understand and the changes and improvements that it brings to the team and organisation.
Looking for an experienced full-stack developer to build your web app or ship your software product?
To start an initial chat, just drop me an email at contact@julianholling.info